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Whale - Eco Soft Toy

(Code: KL34)
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Whale - Eco Soft Toy
Please order in multiples of 3

With some whales weighing up to 180 tonnes before dinner (that’s the weight of thirty-six elephants), it’s easy to see why we had to scale down the size of this cuddly version. Some whales can have up to thirteen stomachs– that’s a lot of room for dessert– and most have beautiful singing voices that can help humans go to sleep! Over the years, the worldwide whale population has been rapidly declining, with around 2,000 blue whales known today compared to 225,000 before their exploitation after the 1900’s. This is largely due to over fishing and trade as well as climate change. The WWF claims that around 85% of North Atlantic whales have been caught at least once in fishing nets, with most being caught multiple times over their lifetime. It’s important to raise awareness that keeps our ecosystems and marine life safe, which is why this cuddly whale is made with recycled plastic.

Each purchase goes toward maintaining habitats and preventing more harmful pollutants in our oceans across the world. It also provides safe homes for new furry friends, where they can be sung to sleep instead of being the singers this time, to give their voices a little rest.

Approximate size: 25cm