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Hanging banner, Chakra symbols white on black

(Code: BS23)
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Hanging banner, Chakra symbols white on black
  • Hanging banner, Chakra symbols white on black
  • Hanging banner, Chakra symbols white on black
  • Hanging banner, Chakra symbols white on black
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Cotton hanging, white on black cotton

Chakras is a Sanskrit word meaning wheels or circles which are connected to 7 different energy levels in the human body symbolising 7 colours of the rainbow. These Chakras function as valves that either let energy in or out. It is believed that Chakras regulate all functions of the body, mind and spirit.

Each chakra symbol is on a pocket, ideal for storing trinkets etc.

Muladhara - root chakra - support (red)
Svadhisthana - sacral chakra - sweetness (orange)
Manipura - solar plexus chakra - sparkling jewel (yellow)
Anahata - heart chakra - flawless (green)
Vishuddha - throat chakra - purity (blue)
Ajna - third eye chakra - awareness (indigo)
Sahasrara - crown chakra - thousandfold (violet)

Approximate size 24 x 150cm

Made in Bali, Indonesia