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Crystal Gift Set - Positive Changes

(Code: SHA23)
Crystal Gift Set - Positive Changes
Please order in multiples of 4

Crystal Healing Bag

Positive Changes: Lepidolite, Green Aventurine, Moonstone, Clear Quartz

The ‘Positive Changes’ healing bag has been specially curated to provide healing within the process of change and transformation. Lepidolite and clear quartz work together to clear worries, amplifying a calm and cleansed mindset that is easy to work with. Green aventurine provides growth and abundance and is known as the stone of opportunity, working with moonstone to create a cyclical change that can be maintained. Moonstone is also uniquely tuned to the divine feminine and hints at new beginnings, especially through travel and different experiences. Chosen for their abilities to bring about positive renewal, this crystal bag is perfect for those seeking something that often seems impossible, but can be achieved on a journey of self-belief.

Please note: bag colour will vary.