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Crystal Gift Set - Anxiety

(Code: SHA25)
Crystal Gift Set - Anxiety
Please order in multiples of 4

Crystal Healing Bag

Anxiety: Blue Howlite, Red Tiger’s Eye, Sodalite, Picture Jasper

Our ‘Anxiety’ bag is crafted with the throat and crown chakras in mind; the stones selected are designed to help the owner speak up for themselves and keep their head firmly above water. Blue howlite and sodalite are keen purveyors of tranquillity and communication, helping those with worries to delve into their feelings with a sense of greater calm. Picture Jasper helps calm you, your anxieties and fears,  providing a harmonious sense of self, emotionally balanced to deal with whatever comes next. These stones are grounded by red tiger’s eye – helping to release negative energy and keep the owner grounded, red tiger’s eye is known for its ability to provide success and prosperity in the midst of healing mental anguish.

Please note: bag colour will vary.