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Fair Trade, Eco and Ethical Gifts for the Trade


All our products are now shipped carbon-free

12 Mar 2021

A carbon-free future!

From January 2021, despatch of all our products from overseas to our warehouse in the UK will be carbon-neutral! We are decarbonizing our shipping, by changing from fossil fuels to sustainable biofuels.

We’re doing this by working with GoodShipping in the Netherlands, a global leader in sustainability. The biofuels are waste and residue-based, they don’t compete with food production, nor do they involve any change in land use, deforestation or loss of biodiversity. Fantastic! - when we heard of GoodShipping, we jumped straight on board! They work on the ‘mass balance’ principle; the volume of biofuel that will neutralize our emissions is fuelled into another ship that would otherwise have run on fossil fuels. As all CO2 from shipping is emitted into the same atmosphere, reducing these emissions is equally effective, regardless of which ship uses the biofuels. It has the same net effect in reducing global emissions and averting climate change.


We’re including air and truck journeys too: our CO2 emissions, from producer through to you as the customer, will be ZERO as from 1 January 2021. We’re delighted to be a trailblazer in the UK in what we hope will become the norm as a way of reducing carbon emissions for importers. Jump on board with us!